Recent News

The Town of Glenwood staff strive to keep you updated on all matters related to your community. If you do not find the information you need, please contact our office and we will gladly assist you! 

Consumer Confidence Report


The 2023 Consumer Confidence Report is available.

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Arts Commission invests in the Town of Glenwood to strengthen Glenwood through arts and creativity


On July 6, 2023 the Indiana Arts Commission (IAC) announced it has awarded $2,880.00 to the Town of Glenwood for a Town Hall mural through the Arts Project Support grant program.  

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Consumer Confidence Report


The 2022 Consumer Confidence Report is available.

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Dollar General


It's official! Dollar General!

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Glenwood Receives federal grant funding to update water system


Today Lt.Governor Suzanne Crouch along with the Indiana Office of Community and Rural Affairs announced that 19 rural communities received more than $10.8 million in federal grant funding.

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New Water System


On or about November 30, 2018 the Town of Glenwood intends to apply to the Indiana Office of Community Rural Affairs for a grant from the State Community Development Block Grant Drinking Water program. These funds are to be used for a community development project that will include the following activities: construction of a new well and water plant improvements. The total amount of CDBG funds to be requested is $550,000. The Applicant also proposes to expend an estimated $139,000 in non CDBG funds on this project. These non-CDBG funds will be derived from the following sources: $139,000 in the form of State Revolving Loan Funds.

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OCRA Award


Shown accepting our OCRA award is Glenwood Board President Jon Lykins. The ORCA award ceremony was held on Wednesday, December 6th at the Indiana State House. From left to right, Suzanne Crouch, Lt. Governor, Mike Kleinpeter, Kleinpeter Consulting Group, Jon Lykins, and Jodi Golden, Executive of Indiana Office of Community and Rural Affairs. This award will be used to build a new fire station for our town. 

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Rush-Shelby Grant Award


Shown is Cathy Rhoades from Rush-Shelby Energy awarding the Town of Glenwood $7,111.00 from their Operational Roundup Grant.The funds will be used to equip a kitchen in the planned new fire station. Present were both officers from the Town of Glenwood and the Volunteer Fire Department. From left to right are: Cathy Rhoades, Jon Lykins, Denny Richardson, Jo Temple, Mary Richardson, Eric Lower, Paul Sembach and Devin Munson. 

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